
bad-debt collectors
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Author:  Devo [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

I wonder if these are the people who "deserve our respect" that Jazz was talking about?


Author:  JazzboCR [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Devo wrote:
I wonder if these are the people who "deserve our respect" that Jazz was talking about?


WOW! Did you ever pick a piss-poor example to make your point. A doorman like he is makes a lot of money from cash and gifts from residents and tradefolks wishing to get in to bldg. mgmt. How much of that do you think gets reported to the tax folks? In other words, he's doubtless committing a crime while talking sh!t about folks doing a legal activity. Try again with someone else, Buckaroo.
And while on the subject of morality here 2 examples of biz and 2 of politicos exhibiting shaky morality:

Corporate tax "inversions" Occurs when a US corp. buys as little as 20% of a corp. in a low-tax foreign country and becomes that company for tax purposes. Neither the corps. Top Dogs nor corp. HQ moves to that country--they stay right here, enjoying ALL the benefits of US domicile without paying for it. Perfectly legal (at present) but moral? It costs the US Treasury $19.5 Billion in lost tax revenue that somebody else has to make up.
http://taxfoundation.org/blog/how-much- ... s-treasury

Ethanol made from corn Stupid idea to begin with, considering the energy it takes to make ethanol (raising the CAFE as Japan has done is much better); especially when it's made from a feedstock (corn) as that drives up across-the-board the cost of corn to ranchers and other traditional users, and of course, consumers. Sometimes this practice even causes spot shortages. So why do it? Because Big Ag has bought Congress. Even if adding ethanol is a good idea (and there's severe doubt about that), using sugar cane as Brazil does is much the better way to go.
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_ ... n_dog.html
http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/ ... of-no-use/

Politicos refusing to expand Medicaid 24 states are refusing to accept already-allocated Federal money to expand the program that helps the poorest of the poor with health-care insurance. This is not fresh tax revenue--that money is already sitting in Federal coffers. Why would these Governors turn their backs on the neediest AND free Federal money? Beggars the imagination. The morality here?
http://billmoyers.com/2014/08/14/study- ... -medicaid/

Federal legislators refusing to lift the Federal minimum wage Even in 2009, it was a pitiful amount; now it's scandalous. It has never been indexed for inflation--this means it has to go through the whole stinking political process every time--biz subsidies don't have to suffer that indignity--they are almost always indexed; especially with the average US work week hovering around 34 hours-only per week, it reeks of essential unfairness. Not enough money even in low Cost of Living areas and disastrous in the better-off places.

You've exhausted your stack of facts (slim as that was); now how about directing your rage at the real targets, the real welfare chiselers? Back to you, Chet.

The Business Ideal: socialize risk and privatize profits. Sound good to you, Bunkie? The worst example I'm aware of is this: http://www.theatlantic.com/features/arc ... am/375069/

Author:  Devo [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Jazz the reason I used this video is because it was produced by Nancy Pelosi's daughter and aired on the Bill Maher show. I assume that Pelosi and Maher are 2 left wing hero's of yours. Jazz we can't have you blaming this video on the right wingers.

Ok, now you can go back to writing posts and adding links which nobody reads. :P

Author:  Phoenix Rising [ Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Devo wrote:
Ok, now you can go back to writing posts and adding links which nobody reads. :P

Now Now! Don't encourage him! We prefer his hilarious knee-slappin' guffawww- eschewing offerings such as this thread in the "smack talk and FUN" forum. Been a hoot Jazzie! Was crackin' up doubled-over in laughter all the way! :) Now go pay your fuckin' bills and stop leachin' off the land! :lol: :lol: :D :P

Author:  JazzboCR [ Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

I've tried hard to to take all of you seriously and I just can't. In this regard, on this topic, your utter failure to address the central thesis self-labels you all as buffoons. Back to you, Chet.

Author:  Scuba1 [ Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

AlNyc wrote:
Orange wrote:
When it comes to personal finance, the US is messed up. We allow people to get credit cards with no verifiable income or assets, and after they max out their cards, they can just file for bankruptcy and all debt is forgiven. Nice system. 2 years down the road, they get new credit cards, and they are right back in the same mess they were before. Yes, I personally know 2 people who are neck deep in debt again less than 3 years later; they got new credit cards within 6 months after bankruptcy. These banks never learn. Well they know that the government will allow them to write off the losses so why not, right?

I'm with Devo on the fact that some people don't believe that they should have to pay back their debt. The fact that creditors are making these "deals" for half (or less) of what's owed is ridiculous. They end up writing off the rest and the gov't doesn't get that tax revenue, so in the end, we tax payers end up subsidizing the shopping sprees of deadbeats. I'm paying about 43% phucking taxes right now to support these phucking deadbeats. Each time I see somebody paying in food stamps who is not clearly handicapped or disabled, I want to bonk them over the head and tell them to get a job.

Ok, now you got me started on this... We have welfare programs in this country with absolutely no oversight or even verification for the most part. In other words, the majority of people who receive welfare (welfare is basically a program to allow lazy people from having to work) should not be receiving it. There are so many better causes that this money can go towards, but that will never happen because our government is weak and spineless; and even if somebody were to try and fix things, the other party wouldn't let him.

IMO, the debt collectors should be coming to people's houses, not just calling. People should be responsible for repaying their debt. Bankruptcy should be reserved for true bad luck or swindled cases, not deadbeats. In other countries, I believe that if you don't pay back debt, you can go to prison. I would love to see that here. This country is slowly going down in flames economically; eventually we'll hit rock bottom and start over.

I agree people should be responsible for their debt. But rather than dealing with the debt collector, try contact the original company you have the debt from and try to work out some sort of payment plan with them. I would rather give them the money than those 3rd party scumbags.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Often that is not possible - they have sold the debt and don't own it anymore so you can't pay them.

I don't know who is stupider - well actually, I do but for the purposes of this post.............

The guy who offers the money/credit card - or the one who takes it.

As the law is written - and I certainly don't like or agree with every law out there........once the statute of limitatations is over on a debt - the only way it can be collected - reactivated, if you will - is for the debtor to acknowledge it - so if you had a debt, did not pay; the statute of limitations has passed - hang up when you are called - don't talk to them - b/c anything you might say could trigger the reactivation - and give them seven years to collect. That's the law - pretty much.

Now Scuba's opinion:

I think most people are not deadbeats and did not make a conscious effort to run up bills with no intention of repaying them. I think the main reasons people don't pay are due to loss of a job, illness, marital separation, etc.

Now that said, I don't really give a f.u.c.k - who is supposted to pay - ME????? I did not run up the bill, but in essence you want to stick me with it through not paying - who the hell do you think pays off all the written down and written off debt in this country - they are not the government, so they can't print money - you do, I do , everyone who takes their responsibility seriously. (Its kind of like when some unwed mother decides she is going to have the K*D, and stick me with the bills, via welfare - hell, at least give me some of the fun in phucking you if I have to pay???? Never mind the "baby daddy" - a term I despise!

I mentioned the majority are not deadbeats and often find themselves in trouble beyond their making - but it did not stop them from getting the 60" TV or other things that they never could afford by paying cash.

Author:  JazzboCR [ Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Devo wrote:
Jazz the reason I used this video is because it was produced by Nancy Pelosi's daughter and aired on the Bill Maher show. I assume that Pelosi and Maher are 2 left wing hero's of yours. Jazz we can't have you blaming this video on the right wingers.

All the right-wingers aren't Republicans; the Democrats today are to the right of Reagan in the '80's--so imagine how far right the Republicants are today. Funny thing: I hope the Tea Partiers take over the Republicants and maybe even get power for a year or two--they'll show themselves to be the mean-spirited, hard-hearted ignorant fools they are and never again be a force. Then we can get back to centrism and actually get stuff done and some deep problems solved (crumbling national infrastructure, widening income inequality, getting an across-the-board fairer tax code, etc. ad nauseum).

Author:  Webbew1 [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Well, I guess it helps to know that I'm not the only one who wound up buried in quicksand. Seven years ago I owned my own condo and car and had a spotless credit record. Today I'm over $65,000.00 in debt and absolutely everything is gone. I'd like to pay off my debts, but I barely make over $8.00/ hr. at my job and I don't even know where the hell to begin.

Author:  Webbew1 [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

If there is anyone out there who has not seen the documentary, INSIDE JOB, it's a must watch. It provides an excellent explanation of how we arrived at the economic collapse of 2007, and it will make your blood boil:


Author:  Zunbake3 [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors


Get a good CPA/Financial Planner/Attorney to go over your options

Author:  Webbew1 [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Do you happen to know of any in the Colorado area who might work pro bono? I should probably use the money I've saved up for my next trip to Costa Rica to get the ball rolling on paying back my debts now that my life has gained at least a modicum of stability, but if I don't take a vacation and get away for awhile I'm going to wind up being one of those guys you see on the news standing on some roof top, screaming gibberish about the Bilderburghs and Armageddon and waving a sub-automatic around.

Author:  Zunbake3 [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Just know folks in South Florida. Sorry.

Author:  JazzboCR [ Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

Zunbake3 wrote:

Get a good CPA/Financial Planner/Attorney to go over your options

Excellent advice. Don't forget that (1) bankruptcy is always an option and it's not a moral failure to do so, and (2) it's always a Federal, not State, action. BK costs around $1700 in SW Florida for simple consumer cases and only takes an hour or 2 of your time (meeting with an attorney/paralegal, assembling records, etc). I did this 3 years ago and my sense of relief was strong. Yes, it kicks your credit rating in the head for a couple of years but your score might be terrible anyway, and going to Ground Zero is a place to start rebuilding. If there's a law school attached to a university anywhere close by, see if there's a law clinic--students getting real-world experience under the guidance/ close supervision of an experienced attorney/professor. As a working poor man, you might be eligible for help--sure can't hurt to try.
Sorry that you've had these negative situations but don't despair--you are not alone and there is a way out without giving up your balls. Again, this is all about the law and not morality.
In keeping with this Thread--keep a good record of all the debt you are shedding and if somebody later tries any sleazeball tricks to collect, tell them to jump it or even threaten legal action against them--what they are doing is WRONG...and you are now on the side of the angels.
Last note: There may be debt you wish to keep (car payment, for example, to keep the car) while shedding the rest. Ask that loan-maker about "reaffirmation" of that particular debt. It won't affect any other debt or the BK itself. Worth a shot.

Author:  Dave [ Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

JazzboCR wrote:
Zunbake3 wrote:

Get a good CPA/Financial Planner/Attorney to go over your options

Excellent advice. Don't forget that (1) bankruptcy is always an option and it's not a moral failure to do so, and (2) it's always a Federal, not State, action. I did this 3 years ago and my sense of relief was strong.


Old time poster here but do not post much anymore. I have not read the whole thread but I wanted to express my opinion here please. I do agree with the above.

Webbew, my recommendation is for your to go bankrupt, clear your debt and start over again. The time, effort, money and your life that you will spend righting yourself without bankruptcy is not necessary and you should not put yourself through that.

I am a private lender who has loaned money to people on real estate, business and personal loans for over 30 years. I have had money become unrecoverable because of bankruptcies on a decent amount of occasions. As a lender, it is baked into my system as the losses is baked into credit card and all other type loans. We lenders are big boys and can take our losses.

What is more important to us lenders is that you get yourself clean and are able to spend again. The economy needs to clear the debt so the consumers can spend. Some may say that this is wrong. However, our society is built on consumer spending and, if over a million bankruptcies did not happen each year, we would quickly have a huge buildup of people not able to spend and our economy would tank.

Bankruptcy is your right. Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their owners and your have a fiduciary responsibility to yourself. Use what is allowed just like all the companies do.

For info: http://www.debt.org/bankruptcy/statistics/

Have a Great Day,


Author:  Zunbake3 [ Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: bad-debt collectors

And most importantly, as the verse in Cream song Outside Woman Blues states:

"If you lose your money, great God don't lose your mind, but if you lose your woman, please don't fool with mine!" YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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